Ciaossu <3
How are all of you guys?
Had a great Chinese New Year?
Enjoying your holiday?
Well, I did.
Quite I guess.
Collected a few angpows.
Lookie here, my granny is like combing her hair for photo taking hah.

Can Spot me anot?

SEE SEE!! I am the tallest okay,
It's not I short.
This year did not went to malaysia to visit my mother side
relatives and cousins,
because of expired passport, and I am just
too lazy to go until where arh? Novena I think to renew it.
It is just troublesome!!!
many many problem.
Misses them lots >_
went out with
patricia and JH dad for a meet up session.
It was just fun with them,
misses W14L<3

and we took NEO-prints!!!
it's been don't know how many decades since I last took
neo prints with my friends.
Sec 2? I forgot rofl.
I suck at designing neo prints,
Let's take more next time wkwkwk!
Still got a few photo want to post up,
but my Camera memory stick is with mum,
as she want to wash for photos.
As in the real photo,film.
Till now,
holiday has been mundane,
Hope to had some interesting event up soon.
Meet up soon yea!,
Anyone will do,
just let me know when You free, I try to make time for it.
U all know lah,
I working mah , bo bian, must plan well well..
So... meet up for anything
movie, dinner, high tea, L4D2?! play LAN.
lunch.. Shopping, walk walk..
You plan, I go. =)
SORRY no breakfast horh, I think I still sleeping lOL.
thats all for this post,