I am back to blog once again!
Had been not blogging for quite a while now,
No reason, just that nothing much to blog about.
So let me think what I had did for the past few days.
Actually nothing much larh.
The most memorable one till now is MurPhi the great Birthday Celebration
@ The Seoul Garden at CauseWay Point.
We ate till so full that we can barely walked.
Wanted to give her surprises but I think Me and GF kinda failed? hah.
But still, Happy is the point yup! (:
Other then that, it is just the plain old schedule which is,
Rot at home, Use Laptop, Listen to Music, Work, Sleep & Rot again.
Anyway, I might be going down to Hereen This saturday to have the First Singapore Flash Mob!
It is planned by the Nuffnang!
So What is a Flash Mob?
Basically, it is just a group of people hanging together, and do something incredible and amazing at the same point of time. All sort of thing, Creative and innovative Hah.
I got this video to show you guys (:
Yea Cool Right Hah!
So I might be doing something like that, Similar but not exact.
I think we will be doing something like, at the same point of time, Dancing Silently with our Mp3 in our PJs outside Hereen (:
So if you guys are interested and had nothing to do ? Come down and join us at Hereen this saturday 5-7pm
Visit XiaXue.blogspot.com for more of this information :D
Alas, Pictures times alright !
FishBalls "D
Elmo Balloon
Omg Close Up Bangs*
Candle! In yellllow-
Peeling Prawns (:
Birthday Girl Looking at her Pressie
Having hard time walking down the escalator
I <3 SG
Alright, thats all for now (:
Next week school gonna start! So yea, Enjoy your Holiday!
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