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Sunday, June 06, 2010

It's holiday time!

Great Singapore Sales were great.
I wished I can buy more clothes, but
My budget is on it's limit.
I must save up for my next coming GSS already.
I swear I gonna spend a lot!

Bought 3 t-shirts, 1 shirt, and 1 pair of adidas shoe.
YES, i wanted to buy my pants, because I am lacking
of pants, but I just can't find any =[

Gotta save up for a lot
I have to start saving money.

I think I will need to save up at least
$4000 by end of this year.

Let's see.
I have 6 more months till december.
each month I guess I can save maybe $150?
$150 x 6 = $900!?
ARGHHHH =[ Not enough....

Guess I really have to eat less, spend less to reach that amount.
I guess I had to try buying 4D?


Been rushing my PP and OOP assignment.
I not sure if I am able to finish it on time or not.
But I will try my best anyway.
So yeap, thats all!