Finally got time to post :P
Went for HS birthday 2008 :)
Had so much fun, So hyper until tired =x
First went for meeting, wow my first official meeting
time length up to 3 hrs.
It was interesting and I learn alot of stuffs.
At least I know a brief meeting is held like this ;)
man, purely COOL !
After that take Taxi with Kelvin, Tian, GF & myself.
Talk some things out and Tian really motivate me.
After we reach out destination,
tian asked me a question,
" am i abit strict 'yan shu'. "
tian dont worry ! really motivates me,
Thanks alot :D
after that went for K-box,
sang quite a numbers of songs.
Total fun, was like shouting - WOOhuuu ~
& taking some pictures with friends :D
after that went for seoul garden
wow- eat until FULL x=
well some stuff happens, but its over now :D
always remember to happy sTUFF :P
the most fun is we went to LaoPo hse oO?
or we can say 'JAmina' :P
had some fun, but was quite tired, went to sleep first
& wake up after some time, abit cold =x Burrr >_<
so woke up and saw them playing majong x=
then grab a few gulb of fou's drinks.
they all say " wah wah! notebook, drink like mineral water"
lol, but ok la >_<
and the funny thing is, it help me clear some 'muscus' from my throat x=
after that talk talk talk =x mao was really drunk i think :D hahs !
after that went to sleep, wake sleep, sleep, wake, sleep.
so didn't sleep much larh, then morning woke up, feel abit sleepy
Morning wake up - play pillow fight for awhile;
hohoho first is HIT laoPO x=
my eyes is like ' Z '
then abit gong -
don't wadd i doing lol.
keep sleeping in between,
then dance DDR-
& by the way, Lao PO disturb me wake up x=
thn i also disturb her wake up oh :P
but anyway ! thanks laoPO for her bed ! very cosy hoo x=
oh ya 1 thing i must SAY,
LAO PO noodle - ichiBAN !
nice de lorh :D
but forgot take pics when she was cooking oh.
sad sad...
was snoozing off-
& DJ with a few peeps ; cant say much :P
thats about it,
pocket a few holes-
nvm ! worth it de ~
money always can be save !
ps; sorry cant make it for the next day oh
GF dont sad ok ^^
laopo also don't worry oh!
a few random pics :)
tell me if you want me to remove the pics.
i will remove right away OK :D
dont worry !
ok here you go ~
loading [1 %.. 10 %..] lol x=

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