Dated 4th July
Sec 4e2 `08 Outing (:
*if u click on this pic, and see carefully, I am Tip-toeing, How short am I, sobs *
Today !
Went to Sembawang Shopping Centre!
Ate Aston (: Oh Dear tell you what, it was fantastically nice.
You guys should try this, Heraki bbQ chicken (:
Thanks REENgf!
This are the Present she gave me for my birthday present today,
Yes, my birthday was like 2 months ago, but she still remember it!
Soo touching right! And its ORANGE! !!!
Nice right AHH!!!
Thank you Reen!
It always fun going out with her, because we will take tons of Photos(: !!!

After that we went to this Specs shop, I bought my coloured Contact lens,
Becuz the one I was wearing is making my eyes turn red and pain, thus i decided to buy 1.
After that, we went to chill at StarBucks (:
I had Jelly with Coffee! It was nice.
Surprised by Reen (: ><
*Using my lappy*
*Exploring my preesies*
Thats all for now,
I resigning Pastamania, Just don't feel like continue working,
as what I told my friend who asked me why did I quit, is because I see no point carrying on.
How did I get into this job, is a few friends that introduced by, but now they are not there anymore, thus I no longer have the point to continue, adding on, I am not happy working, thus chosen to resign (:
Like that I happy, you happy, Everyone Happy !
And the current song I like it (:
do you think its calm?
or lonely song?
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