Back to update a little after a busy week!
Had been working all day long last week, so only got the time to
update my blog till now.
Then this weekend, will be working at an IT fair @ expo for compaq.
Do come and support us!
Had a new haircut last week, I still love it!
Actually a lot of thing happen, but just lazy to post in on blog.
School had been hectic for me.
Don't have the time to care about any other thing.
I am so going to buy a new handphone soon, this phone is really driving me crazy,
just have to wait till next month which is a few more days to go..
So today had Communication module, quite fun as we got the chance to interview strangers! Which is like totally unfamiliar and cool for me.
We are asked to do a 6 questionnaire, and have a face to face interview.
It was fun and interesting, I hope that there will be more likely and similar
class like these, as it is part of learning as well!
Here are a few photos taken after each interviewing for evidence to our facilators.
They just don't trust us much, hahaha...
Had our interview with students from RP and FACI from RP.

This faci was incredibly tall!

It was a fun lesson!
I never regret of coming to Republic Polytechnic.
So who say it sucks? HUH!? LOL
Actually that's about it.
Next things I have to do is
- Get a new Hand Set
- Movie time
- Some hang out with my dear friends! Miss you guys!
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