Today is Data Communication Problem 6
& also Data Communication UT!
I think I just did average.
SOso, Should be able to pass, after finish went to meet
Enci, Roxanne and Yan ni,
Met Febrina at KouFu entrance, and we start ramblind about
Data Communication UT, what mistakes we make and such.
Haha, miss those days with them, slacking at library,
and talking crap & smacking each other...
We went to had our Dinner at Causeway together with the
3 Sam-pak girls. They are just so funny, they won't
fail to make me laugh. As they are always hesitating
what to eat... you know.. girls. very troublesome.
They decided for Breeks.
We went in Breeks, Look through the Menu
All we see are '$$$'.
LOL! we wanted to run away, which remind me of the
gentlemen's outing.
But yea, someone rich mah, so can afford a drink there.
ICE mocha for like $5.20 O_O
So After that we decided to head for Pizza Hut =D
Really had a nice meal there.
Chit Chat, funny things always happen when eating.
Laugh so loudly...
The dessert for the Course meal During Pizza Hut
I guess I had finally settle my emotions and feeling.
I know I am not the kind of person you are looking for,
I might hurt you,
but you had give me a deep impression too.
"Words don't kill, they hurt"
and you are not the one for me either, I guess.
We are not meant to be.
So I won't think burst my head for you, I won't avoid you.
Because by doing all this, it's just not me...
And I hate not being me.
So let's end all this! and 3 Cheers!
Quoted from Lina's blog
"We may love wrong person, we may cry for the wrong person.
But one thing for sure, mistake will help us find the right
Sorry, but I will leave you behind now...
I lead my own life.
*overdue pic
ARIES FTW wkwkwkwkwkwk.
taken during when I also forgot liao.
I Think during tuesday when studying database haha.
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