First day in the morning,
wake up, then prepare to go to woodland centre, as
I forgot to retrieve back my I/C, aftr finish pool.
So had to travell there to take back...
In the afternoon, went to watch movie with family.
After that, We had dinner at Farm Mart around CCK area.
Watched, Where got ghost which is directed by our local artiste,
Jack Neo.
There are 3 different parts of ghost story.
I find it, really Homedy man! Haha.
Some part is really freaky, some part is so hilarious!
Smuggled Burger king inside too ^_^
Had bought a SunFlower for MUM ^^.
Hope she like it!
Before movie, I waited outside the Cinema for my family
to arrive, as I went out this morning.
Then a group of teenagers approached me, and ask...
; this how the conversation goes
" *Show hand shows*, can take out your earpiece "
" Hi... we are from whatever club club... and we are
hosting a BBQ near here, do you want to join along "
" I see you had a SunFlower there, waiting for your girlfriend? "
" What's your name? "
I Blushed*
me : " Oh! no la, i waiting for someone. "
me : " My name is Jason "
me : " haha this flower not for girlfriend, is for my mum "
" Wow! so fillial, Usually this name jason is those... "
me : " I Smiled.. *phone rings* "
me : " I gotta go now, my family waiting for me "
me : " have a nice bbq ^^ "
" Alright! you too! Have a nice Movie! "
Haha Yea, it's somehow goes like this.
Hmm, it appears that teenagers now aday quite
friendly horh! Must learn from them haha!
DAMN! before I go, I should asked to join their whatever club!
So watch movie...
went home.
so went to this Farm Mart around CCK.
had a feast!
First comes, Chicken WINGS!, and some CLAMS,
that "Stinkness" of clams is still in my mouth even though
I brush my teeth for like 2 times already, going to faint soon.
Had, Samba Stingray, Samba SotongSquids, Chicken, Prawns,
Satay, Noodles, Fried Rice.
that greeny thing wrapped inside got meat one...Oh ya (OTAH).
I am soooo freaking full now >alright thats all,!
I gotta think of something to clear my stinkness in my mouth! HECK!><
the nine NO's!
- No Urine
- No Flushing
- No Plucking leave
- No ....

why my face like so retard -.-

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