4th September 09'
So on Friday, early in the morning. Met up with a few
of my friends, and went for this school excursion.
The Singapore Army Open House 09. It was a really cool
and fun experience. A lot of Macho Man, Handsome Man, Mature Man.
Also there are still females, but not a lot, where I met this
female lady in Army uniform. She helped me put on the Army uniform,
which I think is really cool! I will be uploading the pictures up!
Hopefully if blogger is working...
Took quite a numbers of pictures.
First up we were at the Combat World.
There are showcase of Military Tanks, Helicopters.
& stuff. and I tried some of them. They are way so Cool!
Here are some pictures that my friends help me took!
The Helicopter was soooo big!
Inside the Helicopter!
inside the military car, the wheels are very big!
making weird faces again !
Cool military Car!

ahhhh! cute cute obedient doggy!

Manipulating the Cool machine

A Group Picture ! Nice Nice!

Maaam! Helping me with my Battle Suit!

Thats all for the Open House 09! Your Future Warrior!

Some pictures are still with reen... will get from her soon ^^
So the Excursion ended at about 2.30pm.
Headed back home. Then dressed up, Happily went out.
Was planning to meet up with someone, which apparently gone MIA.
Well, i guess... hmm...
It's okay, forget it...
So walk around Orchard. Walk around.
Sit down outside Douby Gaut, listening to ipod.
Looking at those people movement can make me smile actually... haha.
Quite funny... looking them chasing bus =X
and a very cool car passed by! WOW!
After that met up with KH,
Ate Ichiban. Very nice ^_^
went for movie called the
''I love You, Cooper beth.''
It was a nice show. Haha! quite hilarious,
was laughing all the way!
Thanks for the treat KH! Meet up next time again!
Actually the Movie cheer me up haha... make me laugh and laugh.
I guess, friends are just more than enough for me now...
I love my friends! ^^,
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