1. How old will you turn in 2009 ?
- 17.
2. Would you rather love one person or have many relationships ?
- I would love all the people I know, but only 1 relationship.
3. Would you date with someone 8 years older than you ?
- Uhm, Hope not?
4. When was the last time you laughed ?
- Outside Outlet =)
5. What were you doing at 4am this morning ?
- Blowing Bubbles :o Sleeping.
6. What's your relationship with the person you last texted ?
- Complicating Relationship =X
7. What did you do today ?
- I went to Temasek Poly and ask questions, and went to outlet to Mix "
Yu Sheng?"
8. Who do you really want to see now ?
- My lovely teddy bear laying on my bed waiting for me.
9. Will your next kiss be a mistake ?
- I hope not?
10. Who's your last missed call ?
Let me check ... Jan
11. What's something you really want now ?
- SLEEP @ this point of time I am blogging.
12. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning ?
- I want to sleep ~_~"
13. Would you go back in time if you had the chance ?
- I don't want.
14. What's something you need to go shopping for ?
- Ipod TOUCH & bag. Shoe maybe.
15. Do you want kids ?
- Too young to think of that, but I love Kid, except
Hyper active one.16. Are you in love with anyone ?
- I think so.
Who don't at this age?17. How's is your heart lately ?
- Crazy...
18. When was the last time you slept on the floor ?
- Forgot , paiseh XD
but got sleep before...19. Is your phone close to you ?
- Beside me only =S
20. What is bothering right now ?
- Too many to name.
21. What does your last text received message say ?
- "Where are you? Are you coming home yet? Tomorrow got work?"
by my lovely mum ^^ [
but my phone low batt, so didn't replyx=]but she will understand CHEERS!
22. Where are you now ?
- Home lorh.
23. Are you listening to music ?
- My Blog song =x
24. Do you like country music ?
- FYI , I listen to all type of song, except
25. Do you wet toothbrush before toothpaste ?
- duh?
26. How is your hairstyle right now ?
- I don't know, I am stupid at hairstyling.
27. Do you like your first name ?
- Do you mean JASON? :o [
of cuz, my mum gave it to me ]
28. The last thing you drank ?
- Plain Water
29. What you sing obnoxiously in car ?
- Huh?!
30. What did you do 15 mintues ago ?
- Bathing & eating?
31. Do you think you are a good person ?
32. The first contact name in your phone ?
- Aida
33. The sweetest person in your life ?
- Sweetest
Person ar, Guess I havent found this person yet...
34. The closest male to you now is ?
- Closest as in ? My dad? Just beside my room.
35. The person you are chatting with now ?
- Its 2.30am now?
36. The languages that you are able to speak ?
- OHH ! I am Bilingual! ^^ I even know Aliens - Enng - GRISh* .
37. The last person whom you screwed ?
- Heyy... I don't screw people ^^ I am like an Angel =D
38. One word about your life now ?
- CRAZY ! as i said !
39. Where do your wish to work ?
- I has no ambition...
Sad life right...
40. What are you especially good at ?
- Rotting my life away...
41. Would you date someone younger then you ?
- Why not?
42. Who are you to youreself ?
- TO BRING EQUALITY TO THE WORLD ! just kidding... uhm? I dunno.
43. Do you forgive people easily ?
- Depends. Mostly yea.
44. Which girl is precious to you ?
- Girls . . . My Sis & mum? =.=
YAK- ah-lah 45. Your dressing style ?
- To think out of the box... I even thought of dressing like a girl ^^
But no money buy what clothes -.-46. How are you different from other boy ?
- More understanding? I dunno...
47. The bad point of yourself ?
- Judge me .
48. The last contact in your phone ?
- Zairin BOSS!
49. Your favourite song ?
- My blog songs are my FAV for now.
50. The two hated contact in your phone ?
- I don't add enemy... x=
51. Can you learn one language in 10 days ?
- 1 Word?
52. One gorgeous girl you came across ?
I cant rmb my last gorgeous girl who came across.. ^^
53. Who is your biggest enemy ?
- Don't have.
54. Which gang do you support ?
- Sa la Gao 369, jkjk x= uhm... no gang?
55. What do you think about gangster ?
- Nothing much special.
56. Proper age to join gang ?
- Uh? i dunno.
57. Do you have a blogspot ?
- omg, lame question.
YAK-ahlAH!58. Do you like anyone who smokes ?
- I am fine with it.
59. What do you think about modelling ?
- Handsomes, Pretties?
60. Given a chance, would you like to be a model ?
- Me ar? forget it la LOL.
61. Whose approval to you usually seek first ?
- Parents?
62. What do you wish to be in the future ?
- More
63. Tag people to do this quiz .
AIYA, whoever see , then want to do. Do lorh.