I had a great day on my New Year Eve & Day 1 of Chinese New Year!
Hope you guys had as well!
Let me summaries what I did this few days.
On New year eve, I went to my 'Dad' Side grandparents to 'Bai Nian'
Had a fabulous delicious lunch and had a great chat.
Sadly for me, I cant eat much, as I am currently on my "Diet".
Those who know, will knows what I meant. Tehehe.
After that around 3.30pm went back home to prepare for the next journey to Malaysia!
Which is My Maternal side. My 'Mum' Side.
Travel via Bus to Malaysia Custom. Then called up my Big Sister to fetch us to my POPO house.
After we reached, we are 'SO' welcome by the beloved Dog. *WOOF WOOF*
You guys will get to see him later on, Cause I will be posting pictures ^^
After that went in,
To be well-mannered, We have to name out our elderly.
So first, I went to my
POPO then follow to my Aunts then my Big Cousin!
-Whew what a sweat-
After that had another fabulous delicious Dinner.
Then the adults start to MAHJONG, -standard-
Then the kids like us, Will start fooling around, and waiting Impatiently to "BOMB people car". Omg you can't believe how naughty are my cousins, haha.
After that we kids also have out own Gamble den'
We sit in a circle, all ready to put out their ang bao money.
We start playing "21 dot" (in cantonese, actually chinese also can).
Then my I asked my mum and god mum to let me have 1 Tiger beer.
My face was so red. haha *Blush*
After that we went to sleep -
Alright I know you guys are fed up of my long-winded post.
Pictures time Okay...
This time, We have videos too!
FireCracker ! The Main Actor !
My PoPo
Lady in Pink My God Mumn*Gan Ma*
My Cousins ! Ah Bas, YongZhi
My Sister and Blue Kiddo, Johnathan
The ChioBu, ShiYing
BreakDancer, Henry!
Cousins !
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